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    One Fixed One Opening Hinged Shower Cabin Between Two Walls

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    ASTELYA  shower within the models minimalism 6mm design that can be integrated into many bathroom models tempered Hinges that are made of safety glass and also made of cast iron, have an oval cross-section, have a great appearance, and function as an elevator up and down by 5 mm, thanks to their outward-opening hinges. sealing at the angle product destekliyor Thanks to the product's wall connection, 15mm adjustable wall profiles provide ease of installation when the floor is not level. Thanks to the under-door seal and full-length magnetic seals on the hinged shower cabin, the product is leakproof  Its feature prevents water from leaking out.

    Standard height 1900mm
    Optional profile, accessory color options and Glass models

    6mm Tempered safe Glass
    Magnetic Strip Ensures Sealing of the Cabinet. Elastomer Contact is Resistant to Temperature and Humidity Variantions.
    Its standart heigt is 1900, It can be changed upon requeast. This product can be customized according to personal needs.
    FIXING SYSTEM Profile wall mounting system offering two mounting options: with sealing profile (allows to balance the slope of the wall)
    INSTALLATION WITHOUT SHOWER TRAY This shower cabin can be mounted on a shower tray or directly on the floor.
    THRESHOLD-FREE INSTALLATION POSSIBILITY: All equipment required for shower cabin installation in cabins with or without thresholds are included in the product as standard.
    EASY TO CLEAN COATING The glass protection coating allows the shower cabin to be easily cleaned. Due to the hydrophobic feature of the coating, water drops do not remain on the glass but flow downwards without leaving any stains. This may be preferred.
    Thanks to the towel rail, you can find a shower towel at hand every time you finish your bath. It also makes it easier for towels to dry. May be preferred.
    Thanks to the robe hanger, you can find a towel at hand every time you finish your bath. It also makes towels easier to dry. Preferable


    Request product

    A dimension of the installation location Just let us know the size B and size of the product H  You can request size other than standard. ASTELYA shower cabin Can be installed on the ground. Adjustable even if there is a balance disorder on the ground. Thanks to the profile, installation will be simple and work easier.. ASTELYA door to you in product dimensions. If there will be a right opening door, R section is preferred. If you want the Left Door, you need to choose L.

    More information

    Apart from the Size Table, the product can be integrated in many sizes. The product can be designed and ordered based on personal measurements. Other You can contact us for your requests.


    When measuring the height of the product, do not touch areas or areas above that may be obstructed. Special attention should be paid to irregularities such as indentations and protrusions during measurement. Do not remove any obstructive windows, etc. in the placement of the product. like Informing us about the obstacles, the production of the product taking these situations into account It would be more correct to do so.

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