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    sliding and folding between two walls

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    Space can be scarce in the bathroom, so you'll want to make sure you make the most of the room you have. This HARMONY pacific Bi-Fold shower door is an ideal space-saving solution when it comes to the shower stall. Fully reversible Bi-Fold door can be installed for not only left or right side opening, but also opens inwards, helping you save vital space. The door has a frame made of silver chrome.
    4mm Tempered safe Glass
    5mm Tempered safe Glass
    8mm Tempered safe Glass
    Metal Sliding Bearings
    Magnetic Strip Ensures Sealing of the Cabinet. Elastomer Contact is Resistant to Temperature and Humidity Variantions.
    Its standart heigt is 1900, It can be changed upon requeast. This product can be customized according to personal needs.
    FIXING SYSTEM Profile wall mounting system offering two mounting options: with sealing profile (allows to balance the slope of the wall)
    INSTALLATION WITHOUT SHOWER TRAY This shower cabin can be mounted on a shower tray or directly on the floor.


    Request product

    A dimension of the installation location Just let us know the size B and size of the product H  You can request size other than standard. HARMONY installation on the floor in the shower cabin Thanks to the adjustable profile, even if there is a balance disorder on the ground, Installation is simple and will make your job easier.

    Folding shower kabininde toplam ölçüden When you reduce minus 200mm, the opening size of the door is revealed.

    More information

    Apart from the Size Table, the product can be integrated in many sizes. The product can be designed and ordered based on personal measurements. Other You can contact us for your requests..


    When measuring the height of the product, do not touch areas or areas above that may be obstructed. Special attention should be paid to irregularities such as indentations and protrusions during measurement. Do not remove any obstructive windows, etc. in the placement of the product. like Informing us about the obstacles, the production of the product taking these situations into account It would be better to do.

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